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Integrated Chinese - Simplified Character Edition: Level 1 Part 2
Integrated Chinese - Simplified Character Edition: Level 1 Part 2
  • 定價:1148


    博客來-Integrated Chinese - Simplified Character Edition: Level 1 Part 2博客來訂書網址:


      The Character Workbooks are designed to help the student learn Chinese characters in their correct stroke order. In the Level 1 workbooks, stroke order for each new character is displayed, along with its pinyin pronunciation and English translation. Character boxes allow students to practice writing the characters. The Level 2 Character workbook, in addition to stroke order, presents example sentences to illustrate word usage in context. The Level 2 Character workbook includes both simplified and traditional character forms. Four useful appendices are included in the Level 2 Character workbook: A list of proper nouns and measure words; an English-Chinese glossary that includes all vocabulary in Levels 1 and 2; a Chinese character index that lists all characters appearing in Levels 1 and 2; and the simplified-form example sentences that appear in traditional characters throughout the bookA?』s text.


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