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博客來-FUNDAMENTALS OF ROBOTICS: LINKING PERCEPTION TO ACTION博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/0010396465
Tomorrow's robots will be the most exciting and revolutionary things to happen to the world since the invention of the automobile. It will change the way we work, play, think, andlive. Because of this, nowadays robotics is one of the mostdynamic fields of scientific research. These days, roboticsis offered in almost every university in the world. Most mechanical engineering departments offer a similar course at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. And increasingly,many computer and electrical engineering departments are also offering it.
This book will guide you, the curious beginner, from yesterday to tomorrow. The book will cover practical knowledge in understanding, developing, and using robots as versatile equipment to automate a variety of industrial processes or tasks. But, the book will also discuss the possibilities we can look forward to when we are capable of creating a vision-guided, learning machine.
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